Sabrina Di Nitto

Remembering your Divine Essence.
Live Cosmic Transmissions with the Ascended Masters.

Presenting the embodiment of I AM Presence and living in cosmic consciousness. A sequence of 12 webinars that will guide you to explore your inner cosmic realms.
Integrating your cosmic nature into your daily life.

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Divine Essence Remembrance

Cosmic Channeling with the Ascended Masters: Remember you Divine Essence

Join this Crystalline Portal of Cosmic Light
Cosmic human: imprinting your human being with the cosmic essence of your light body DNA
Paving the way for a soul embodied life, I AM presence embodiment, cosmic ascension and a fulfilling, divinized, soulful life on Earth.

Webinar Structure
You are provided with
- the teachings of your cosmic being and cosmic ascension on a human embodied level.
- vibrational activations & meditations
- Q&A

Price 33 euros per webinar. 
With Kindness, 
Sabrina Di Nitto
Presentation by
Sabrina Di Nitto. Divine Heart Self Realisation & Actualisation Center.

90 minutes

Webinar 2: Light Metaphysics: ​​​​​​​Realigning to the orginal Light Code: living life from Light. Breathing LIGHT.

Webinar 2/12 Content:
In the cosmic live channeling we will elaborate on:
  • What are the characteristics of Light on a quantum level you should know about to lead your enlightenment?
  • What are the different meta essences of light?
  • How Light transforms or can become entangled.
  • How your Light structure affects your quality of Life and allowing the "New LIght" to enter your body.
  • How you can align to your cosmic light structure and elevate your consciousness.

  • Explore your Cosmic DNA code of Light to feel where you are in your process of light fusion.
  • Tune into your Etheric Light Architecture.
  • How we can change how we interact with our Light: We are not used to carry our light and rather carry our own old ways and others in life while staying in outdated patterns.
  • Breathing LIGHT. 

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